Ideal for Universal Newborn Hearing Screening programmes & Paediatric Assessments.
OtoNova is a fast ABR+OAE newborn and infant screener. With the freedom of a unique secure WIRELESS connection, you can choose to control tests from a tablet, smart phone or PC, and even from the OtoNova itself, using its touch controls and status & response indicators. You can trust OtoNova. It’s based on the tried-and-tested Otoport and ILO devices.

Every OtoNova is 100% capable of all three test modes but you only need purchase the test options you need. Use only automated ABR in a one stage well-baby program. Or use TEOAE or DPOAEs as a first screen to speed up testing and reduce costs. Upgrading or restricting the modes available simply requires you to enter a different license code. With OtoNova you are not limited to one installation. Use your OtoNova from your PC in the clinic, and from a smartphone or tablet in the nursery. Data is separately saved on each and you can choose which modes are available.
OtoNova is fast. 70 seconds for an average automated ABR pass. As low as 7 seconds for an OAE pass. Our algorithms are proven to deliver very high sensitivity. High Specificity relies on your testing conditions and here the OtoNova scores by giving feedback which helps screeners improve their techniques and programme performance. The ability to review the raw data on NovaLink or Otolink also assists in training and optimisation.

OtoNova performs automated ABR screening with chirps and OAE screening using TEOAE and DPOAE
OtoNova comes pre-configured for screening efficiency. Its ready to go, or you can customise OtoNova to meet your special requirements. For ABR either the OAE probe or an ear-cup for stimulation at 35 -45dBnHL (up to 60dBnHL with OAE probe). Use your choice of electrodes. Fast ABR pass-refer decisions use our enhanced Fsp algorithm, benefiting from weighted averaging and waveform templating. The ABR waveform is displayed and saved. Our TEOAE uses ILO Quickscreen ‘gold-standard’ clicks at 84dBSPLpe. For DPOAE choose the stimulus level from 6 commonly used settings. OAE pass requires 6dBSNR at the number of frequencies you select. TEOAE frequency bands are 1,1.5, 2, 3,4kHz. DPOAEs cover 1-6kHz or 1.5-8kHz in ½ octaves steps. Additional paediatric and clinical DPOAE functionality is available by firmware upgrade.
OtoNova is controlled wirelessly from your Android or Windows 10 device via our Nova Link App
Nova-Link offers you touch-screen control of all OtoNova functions. It displays test progress and indicates any noise, probe fit or electrode impedance problems. Results are saved in a 10,000 test researchable patient database which captures full response data. Automatic Pass/Refer Decisions are based on Otodynamics’ 30 years experience in hearing screening. And when there’s no clear result, Nova-Link tells you why.
Print test reports from your device’s local, bluetooth or networked printer, or to pdf file. Optionally download to Otodynamics’ Otolink PC software for compatibility with NOAH, other management systems and Otoport devices.

OtoNova is robust, easy to use and clean
There is just one connector for OAE probe /ABR stimulator and three standard 1mm electrode sockets. No other connections are needed. Connection to the computer device is automatic and wireless. Incredibly low power consumption, automatic standby and intelligent power management mean there isn’t even an on/off switch! One charge gives you more than 2 months standby, and completes more than 500 tests. OtoNova wakes up when you tap it (unless you put it in ‘fly mode’). It is even recharged wirelessly (standard charge pad supplied). OtoNova is sealed with infection control in mind so you can safely and easily wet-wipe the OtoNova to keep it clean.
NovaLink has all the functionality you need to easily manage your screening activities and records.
The OPTIONAL Otolink PC patient data management suite provides More patient management facilities and deeper analysis. Download test results wirelessly or via USB from the your smart device. Test details can be quickly reviewed, printed and archived. Printing reports directly to PDF file is available. Data can be exported, for example, to Oz, Hi Track, GDT, Noah*** or as CSV file. Patient work lists can be uploaded to the OtoNova, assisting with managing workloads in busy environments. Compatible with Windows 10, 8 and 7.

1 protocol, 7 parameters | 1 Protocol, 5 Parameters | 1 Protocol, 7 Parameters |
1, 1.5, 2, 3, 4 kHz | 1-6kHz or 1.5-8kHz | – |
60 to 84 (Δ1dB) | 60/50 to 70/70 (presets) | 30-45dBnHL (60dB w.insert) |
2,3,4 bands | 2,3,4,5 bands | – |
6dB (fixed) | 6dB (fixed) | FSP+template |